Aquila Tenor Low G Tuning Nylgut Ukulele Strings
Aquila’s Nylgut® strings are made from a plastic compound made of three synthetic components, the first genuine synthetic gut string in the world. These smooth white strings offer a rich, neutral tone that sounds similar to genuine gut strings, with a loud projection. New Nylgut® strings stay in tune longer, offer more accurate fret intonation, and are very stable through moisture changes.
Other strong points of Nylgut are its elevated resistance to wear under tension-greater than that of gut-but even more important is its extraordinary immunity to changes of climate, considerably better than that of Nylon and thereby ensuring a superior stability of tuning under normal conditions.
The best sound quality develops when the strings have completely set, which may ordinarily take sometime. To achieve a stable intonation in just a few minutes you can repeatedly pinch each string at midlength with your fingers, pull it decidedly sideways and tune it up again. Stop when the string does not pull out of tune anymore.
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